Matt Taylor reveals his latest sexual fantasy about Danny Jones:

Fruitcake Watch - 25 April 2020

Matt Taylor reveals his latest sexual fantasy about Danny Jones:

Fruitcake Watch

The creepy tw&t's calling us all "satanic p&&dophiles" again: I won't waste my time asking for proof ? #Defamation #Hypocrisy #SelfProjection

@Fruitcake Watch As Devine says, "look in the mirror" Matt!

Vanguard Supreme
Fruitcake Watch it’s like water off a ducks back I mean what else can we be called ? Matt seems to have his knickers in a twist? And why does every insult include genitalia/sex references, they have very dark minds yet parade as models of virtue? And I chose my side a long time ago thanks Matt and very confident in my decision too?

Fruitcake Watch
@Vanguard Supreme Also, does anyone else find it disturbing that his Facebook page has all these sexual references and hate-filled posts mingling with link after link of little girls playing the guitar (which seems to be his latest thing)?
