Further intimidation from Mark Waters - Dated 9 April 2015

From: matttaylor2000@hotmail.com
To: anna.batchelor@sussex.pnn.police.uk
CC: rachel.millard@theargus.co.uk
Subject: Date corrected; sorry.
Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2015 14:31:15 +0000

Dear Anna Batcheleor,

Place: Outside the Indian Restaurant on South Coast Road, opposite the Crown Carvery.
Date: Wednesday 8th April 2015
Time: about 4pm.

Please record the following incident as a matter of intimidation and threat towards my family.

As you are aware; we were arrested on 16th January 2015 having called the Police following an attack at 318 South Coast Road.

I appreciate that on the 18th of January 2015 you sent Joe Neilson an email explaining that because the investigation was ‘live’ any questions about the attack wouldn’t be discussed.

Due to the fact that no further action is being taken against us; I wish to report this matter as an example of the continuing intimidation and threatening action we (both Joe Neilson and I) are receiving from Mark Waters.

On the day of Wednesday 8th April while walking with my sister Emma Taylor along South Coast road walking back to 318 South Coast road at about4 pm.

In the distance I saw a white Toyota builder’s van vehicle registration number 96 GPY pull up 150 yards down the road outside the Indian takeaway over the road from the Crown Carvery.

Upon realising the vehicle belonged to Mark Waters I stopped walking and sat down looking at Mark Waters looking back to me in the distance.

After a minute of stalemate, Mark Waters got back into his vehicle and drove 150 yards along the road and pulled up to where I was sitting with my sister.

Upon pulling up, my sister and myself stood up and continued to walk toward 318 South Coast road.

It was evident at this point that I didn’t want to talk to Mark Waters, feeling threatened and uncomfortable that the person I know to be the person who attacked Joe Neilson and myself on the 16th of January 2015, was now stalking me in his vehicle.

Having walked away from him and approaching the Indian restaurant opposite the Crown Carvery, Mark Waters again drove this vehicle to intercept me.

It was at the point I reluctantly walked to his vehicle window to hear what he wanted.

While explaining to me that Joe Neilson has no chance of winning the civilian case between us, he stuck a postit note on the vehicles dash board which had my home address and post-code written on it.

“Why have you got my home address?” I asked.

To Mark Waters replied, “Remember I used to live around the corner from you.”

The conversation lasted for a further 30 seconds, where-in Mark Waters specified the 10th of May to be the date I must vacate the property.

Witnesses to this exchange include Emma Taylor and another unknown male in the passenger seat wearing a chequered shirt, middle aged, white man or thin build.

I wish this incident to be registered and logged please.

I have notified the Argus about this and expect to speak to Rachel Millard about this later.

Thank you for you assistance,

Matt Taylor
Independent Parliamentary Candidate for Brighton Kemptown
Shadow Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner
