Fruitcake Stalking Reaction to MTTV Show Friday 24 April 2020

Fruitcake Watch

I prefer something with gloss but for now, Matt will have to do. I'm 'ere all week.

24:21 Pinky and Perky "Andy putting out videos is not going to help Edward, you'll get a repeat of the John Paterson scenario." Yes, very true! Someone sees sense at last!

Boom boom! Basil Brush would say about your joke! ?￰゚リツ

I just watched it on double speed. Business as usual. Looks like they banned him from zoom. Who wouldn't ?

Fruitcake Watch
@Prometheus ?￰゚ᄂラ?

Fruitcake Watch
@tniedermeier Ah yes, I mentioned the Zoom thing yesterday. It comes to something when even WakeUp Uk think he's too extreme for them ?

Fruitcake Watch
"Everyone in Parliament knows Edward Ellis... The Queen knows about him. And I know for a fact that the Queen knows about me" ?

Fruitcake Watch
The customary rant about us (the Fruitcakes") comes 36:56 ?

Fruitcake Watch
Taylor @ 56:01 - "I've had more people round my house in the lockdown than I ever, ever had before" ?

Fruitcake Watch
Taylor's said in two live shows in a row now that the reason he believes coronavirus is a hoax is because he doesn't know of anyone in his street who's died of it ?¬タヘ♂️

Fruitcake Watch
And oh my God, he's just claimed that Matt Hancock is an alien ?¬タヘ♂️?¬タヘ♂️?¬タヘ♂️
