Fruitcake Stalking Reaction to MTTV 23 April 2020 Show - Live now - Taylor's Breakfast B0ll0cks.

Fruitcake Watch
Live now - Taylor's Breakfast B0ll0cks ?￰゚メᄂ

Fruitcake Watch
Apparently, "The Fruitcake community go to bed every night and pray to Satan" that Matt gets sent to prison ?

Fruitcake Watch Nope. You would only pray about uncertain things, not about surefire facts. No need to pray for the arrest of the Brighton perv. It's a given. What i would pray for ( if i was was praying at all) would be that they keep him in as long as possible. Thankfully there are techniques way more effective than praying to achieve that.?￰゚リツ?
