Fruitcake Stalking reaction to Matt Taylor's (Breakfast) TV Show - 20 April 2020

Fruitcake Watch
20 April 2020
Ooh, I found Matt Taylor's breakfast show! It's just not showing on his channel for some reason:

Sample quote: "Fvck you in your death, Gordon Bowden... I don't give a fvck if you're offended in your grave. You were shlt then and you're shlt now!" ?
Oh and apparently, everyone associated with this channel is a "reptilian p&e@ophile from another dimension" ?
And the corona/Bee Gees/5G rant from at 1:02:22 to 1:03:06 is bizarre, even by Matt's standards! ?
Fruitcake Watch
I swear he gets weirder by the day. What was the point in uploading this...?

Fruitcake Watch You beat me to it. Desperate attention seeking by a complete human failure. Rats are attracted by dead rats, it seems. The other inmates will have an awful lot of fun with this weirdo. I wouldn't want to be in his shoes.

Fruitcake Watch
@tniedermeier As well as attention-seeking, there seems to be an element of xenophobia too.

Fruitcake Watch Yeah, blame it on the chinese. Just like that idiot Trump. Let's see when Taylor starts to cry about "alarm, fear and distress" again. This guy is a disgrace for his family and for humanity in general.

Fruitcake Watch
@tniedermeier Yeah, he's blaming it on the Chinese, even though he's on record as stating that it's a hoax!

Fruitcake Watch That psycho troll Tracey Benjamin just commented on that video. Looks like it was a pun against MKD. I guess Tracey is Matts new handler. Poor sod. Of all the psychos controlling him over the years, she is one of the worst and dumbest. She will work him down.
