Fruitcake Stalking Reaction to GDNews Show 25 April 2020

The latest Brighton-based breakfast b0ll0cks for your delectation (well, the zoos are all closed after all):

Fruitcake Watch
"This is why it's important to get the money coming in asap and we can do that by building the subs. And then we can give all the money to John Wanoa to make his aqua steam engines - and then off we go, we can power our way all the way to the Moon." No, seriously - he actually said that.

tniedermeier5 hours ago (edited)
Such a sad example of delusions of grandeur. Sitting in his dirty, messy flat, not allowed to see his children, broke,waiting for the day they sentence him. And then running this shitshows for three viewers. One of them being criminal benefit fraudster Babs Bromfield, one a old hag who is a FOTL nutter and from time to time MKD or Tracey Benjamin socks step by. A theather of absurdities, failures and criminal derelicts. Now actively helping the greek village idiot in his efforts to kill another vulnerable person. Simply waching this gallery of failures is an ordeal.

Vanguard Supreme4 hours ago (edited)
tniedermeier oh yes I forgot about that benefit fraud of babs and that’s just what they caught her on and could prosecute successfully. There’s a high probability it was much much higher amount and wouldn’t that be babs depriving other families and maybe to there ruination as she accuses me of doing by me being my towns drug kingpin (queenpin?¬タヘ♀️?) and that I’ve hooked children on drugs etc..?￰゚ᄂᆪ? FYI disclaimer I never hooked anybody on drugs and certainly not a drug king/queenpin. At least I can honestly deny the accusations aimed at me unlike babs the embittered bitch? Just shows me she knows zilch about me and derives all her information from a back and forth we had a year ago and that I had very descriptive words showing I admit these accusations but she will only share this with her cohorts?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ?￰゚ᄂᆪ

Vanguard Supreme4 hours ago
tniedermeier yes and thanks for you and others continued viewing of this interactive train derailment, the fruitcake channel for the same and a place to come and talk sensibly (well others are sensible I’m a little silly?) and catch up so ?￰゚リノ

Prometheus4 hours ago
@Fruitcake Watch You have great patience to watch him.

Vanguard Supreme4 hours ago
Prometheus I like to put him on double speed which isn’t an option on Facebook? The best I’ve discovered on double speed is kray kray Kaley? The subtitles sometimes throw up something hilarious too? Anything to stop the sedative effect this lot all seem to possess?

Sheva Burton2 hours ago (edited)
@Vanguard Supreme I am grateful too. I havn't watched much more than a few minutes of APD, Matt, Andy, Kaley etc....... for a while so thankyou for catching me up..... everyone. Double speed & sub titles are the only bearable way to watch for me too lolol
