Fruitcake Stalking reaction to Taylor's Latest Ramblings... 19 April 2020

Fruitcake Watch
19 April 2020
Taylor's latest ramblings:

He's refusing to drink Corona beer and he seems to think David Cameron is still the PM. And it goes downhill from there.

Fruitcake Watch
Is it just me or does he sound like Arfur Kaoutal from 2:50 to 2:55?

Fruitcake Watch
7:20 - "You're just all a bunch of nonces! You're a bunch of nonces and you know it!" ?

Fruitcake Watch
"Be square, otherwise be there" Huh?

tniedermeier (edited)
Fruitcake Watch At 3:00 ff he talks about "some asshole in germany" who must have annoyed him. ?￰゚リツ?. Any idea who that could be ? ?￰゚リツ?. You know i am always there, Matt. ?￰゚リツ?.

Fruitcake Watch
@tniedermeier Maybe he's planning an in-depth analysis of Angela Merkel's policies. Then again, maybe not ?

Fruitcake Watch
"4 watching now" ?

Fruitcake Watch
He's calling for people to boycott the lockdown ?

Fruitcake Watch
LOL, he's just said that I'm Tom and that everyone associated with the Fruitcake channel is a paedophile ?

Is that little wimpy nonce trying to hide behind his kids again ? Disgusting. Taylor is a PoS. And he thinks because he doesn't get my data from Police i never filed against him. ?￰゚リツ?￰゚リツ

Fruitcake Watch (edited)
@tniedermeier I had a good run today (as Fruitcake Monitor) and he even read out a few of my comments and called me a p&&dophile. The last straw was when I mentioned Wanoa and got instantly blocked ?

Fruitcake Watch
@tniedermeier "Fuck you in your death, Gordon Bowden... I don't give a fuck if you're offended in your grave. You were shit then and you're shit now!" ?

Fruitcake Watch
@tniedermeier Apparently we're "reptilian p&&deophiles from another dimension" ?

Fruitcake Watch

The corona/Bee Gees/5G rant from at 1:02:22 to 1:03:06 is bizarre, even by Matt's standards!

@Fruitcake Watch That's an awful thing to say, disrespecting the dead! I didn't think Matt could reach a new low, he just has.

Fruitcake Watch
@Prometheus Yep. And his reply to you confirms what a lowlife piece of crap he is.

Fruitcake Watch

Fruitcake Watch ?￰゚リツ?. That little nonce prick is off his meds. I hope he doesn't come close to any children, neither his own nor others. What a psycho.

Fruitcake Watch I saw part of it but had to leave to help a neighbour. Taylor is done. You were absolutely correct to call that little PoS out for his lies. The "luckiest man on earth" , banned from seeing his own kids, kicked out of the army, completely broke, hated by everyone for being a nonce and soon to be inmate. LMAO. ?￰゚リツ?

Fruitcake Watch
I see he's taken it down or set it to private now. I do hope we didn't embarrass him ?

@Fruitcake Watch It's back up again. He sure is a stupid man, all he can say is nonce this or pedo that, says a lot about him really.

Fruitcake Watch
@Prometheus I'm not seeing it on his page. Do you have a link?

@Fruitcake Watch I actually went though your link at the beginning of this thread, but copied it from his video now.

Fruitcake Watch (edited)
@Prometheus No, that's the trailer from last night. The actual live show was over an hour long. Sorry, I didn't post a link to that one.

@Fruitcake Watch Ah sorry, I didn't know he did a live this morning.

Fruitcake Watch
@Prometheus Ooh, I found it! It's just not showing on his channel for some reason:
